Mike wrote an article at his blog.
My family’s first computer was an Apple (a IIe, I think). I remember
learning to type on it, playing a game that calculated your
words-per-minute. My mom was studying to be a court reporter, and she
could type very quickly; I would peck at letters with my two index
fingers as fast as I could to see if I could get a score half as good as
At the time, my Dad worked in aerospace engineering, and was
impressed with the durability of the computer at work, so he decided to
get one for the house. The whole family shared time on it, working and
playing. I remember using it to write reports, and play games like
LOGO, Loderunner, and Gold Rush. As I got older, my interestes changed,
and my time on the “Macintosh” was eclipsed by a Nintendo, and later a
Sony Discman.
In college, I was reintroduced to Apple in a new way. Having spent
years honing my skills drawing and painting, I hadn’t yet had the chance
to bring those illustrations into the computer. At Art Center, there
was a computer lab–a huge underground complex of rooms filled with
computers. And the computer of choice for the designers and artists at
Art Center was Apple. I loved the design, inside and out, and it seemed
built for making art. And once it was my computer for art, it became
my computer for music.
It’s hard to think of all the ways that Steve Jobs’ vision has built a
foundation for the products on which I work and create: Apple products
have been used in making every piece of music Linkin Park has ever
written, every album cover or poster we have ever designed, and all our
music videos, ads, LPTV, and websites.
From the creation of our songs, art, and videos to the devices our
fans enjoy them on, Steve Jobs’ vision has made an indelible imprint on
everything we do. Multiplying that out into all the other bands and
artists in the world who also use Apple products to write and record
their songs or edit videos, movies, TV shows, art and photos, it’s hard
to imagine anyone who has played a bigger role in shaping the world of
modern art and music.
Thank you Steve Jobs,
Source : Mike Shinoda Blog
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